My Drone Professional

Cheap FPV Drone

Buying A Cheap FPV Drone: What To Look Out For

Flying FPV drones can be a pretty expensive hobby to get into as a beginner but there are a few cheap FPV drones coming into the market. In this article I’ll go through what to look out for because, with any technology, there are compromises in design, durability and function. I’ll also make a few suggestions on which cheap FPV drones I recommend. 

Why Are FPV Drones More Expensive?

When comparing FPV drones to camera drones, the initial investment is generally higher for FPVs. To be clear, when I refer to camera drones I mean drones that are designed to be flown by line of site with footage shown on a mobile device or built in display on the remote (most DJI models). When people talk about FPV drones they’re generally referring to freestyle and racing drones which are designed to be flown while wearing a headset. 

The cost of getting started with FPV drones is more expensive because the parts are generally all bought separately such as the controller, headset, batteries, charger and drone.. and these add up quickly. 

However, when you get more skilled and want to upgrade your drone, there’s no need to replace the whole kit (unlike upgrading a regular camera drone). As long as you’re sticking with the same analogue or digital system, you just need to buy the drone itself.

Why are Digital FPV Drones More Expensive than Analogue?

Up until recently, the only system used for FPV drones was analogue, digital FPV drones are relatively new technology in this space. As technology evolves and becomes more common, market competition increases and the parts are manufactured for less, making it more affordable. 

The maturity of analogue drone technology and the availability of parts means they can be bought cheaper than digital FPV drones. However, as digital FPV drones are becoming more popular and the technology develops we expect to see the cost come down eventually.

If you want to know more about the difference between the two, check out this table on digital vs analogue FPV drones which uses the Firefly drones as an example. 


Expensive vs Cheap FPV Drones

When it comes to comparing cheap and expensive FPV drones we need to look at each part to explain where the quality can be compromised and what effect this will have on your FPV experience.  

1. Built in Camera & Action Camera Quality

The camera system is the main feature that’s compromised to produce a cheaper drone. It’s pretty difficult to find a cheap FPV drone with 4K

Some FPV pilots choose to attach an action camera but using a cheap FPV drone can also affect this external footage by introducing jello (vibration).

Having a high-quality camera may not matter to you but keep in mind when and where you’re planning to fly. Having a low quality camera means difficulty seeing in low light (such as indoors) and fine objects like tree branches. 

2. Power & Size

A good way to find a cheaper FPV drone without compromising too much on quality is to buy a smaller model. Generally smaller parts cost less to manufacture. 

Another important factor to think about when buying FPV drone is the power to weight ratio. The heavier a drone is the more power it needs. To add more power you need a larger battery. Some small FPV drones like the TinyHawk 2 Freestyle have a  great power to weight ratio. They’re super fast and agile because they are so light but a small, light battery means the flight time is pretty limited to they are more suited for short sharp races. 

One of the down sides to flying a smaller FPV drone is that they tend to lose control in the wind so some FPV drone pilots prefer a bulkier size. Larger FPV drones with a good power-to-weight ratio are harder to find on the cheap. The parts need to be manufactured in light, strong materials such as carbon fibre (like in the iFlight Nazgul), but this comes at a cost. 

3. Range

Their are two types of range to consider when buying any drone. The maximum range from the controller and the range with video transmission. 

For FPV drones, the video transmission range is extra important because some of the smaller drones can be really hard to see and navigate at long distances when flying via line-of-sight rather than FPV. Drones lose the video transmission before losing connection between the controller and the drone.

The antennae and video transmitter (VTX) are responsible for broadcasting the video computed by the drone to your headset. When looking at cheap FPV drones, check the output power of the VTX. Some drones will only have a max VTX output of 200mW while more expensive FPV drones can have a max VTX output of 1200mW. The greater the output power, the longer the range you’ll be able to receive clear video footage before it goes grainy or snowy and lose signal completely.

4. Flight Performance

All the components contribute to flight performance in some way. Cheap parts and weak connections can cause vibration of the drone effecting how well it can be controlled and the quality of the FPV footage. 

The strength and durability of the motors, rigidity of the frame and the propellor shape all contribute to how well the drone flies. 

Cheaper plastic parts can initially perform really well then snap on the first crash leaving you wishing you’d spent a little bit more and saved some money in the long run by not having to replace parts. 

Recommended Cheap FPV Drones

FPV drones generally range from about $300 – $1000 and you can spend way more than this when you start looking a good quality headsets and controllers. I’ll recommend a few options so that you can find a drone that suits what you want to fly FPV for i.e racing vs freestyle vs indoor flying. 

Cheap FPV Drone for Beginners

All inclusive, ready-to-fly kits are the easiest option to get started with as a total beginner. This way, you don’t have to worry so much about the compatibility of the components, binding and forgetting to order critical parts like battery chargers. 

All Inclusive Ready to Fly FPV Drone Kits

I recommend the Emax TinyHawk 2 Freestyle kit for beginners because it can reach intense speeds once you get you’re skills up and it comes at a very competitive price in an all inclusive kit. 

This cheap FPV drone is ideal for indoor racing. 

To check the best price on this kit at the moment, take a look at the article Tiny Hawk: The Perfect Beginner to Expert FPV Drone.

Best cheap FPV Drone with 4K camera

When it comes to 4K FPV drones, the cheapest they come is around 500 USD. So, why are they so expensive? The 4K camera unit alone costs the same as a whole cheap FPV ready to fly kit. For example, the DJI O3 part which includes a 4K camera costs around 250 USD (at the time of writing).

A couple of options are the Flywoo Firewoo Hexo Nano and the GEPRC MARK5 HD O3 Freestyle. These are both on the more affordable end when it comes to cheap FPV drones with an 4K camera, however, remember you still have to purchase a headset, goggles and other accessories.

The Wrap Up on Buying A Cheap FPV Drone

There are always compromises when buying cheap drones but the two that I recommend are the TinyHawk 2 Freestyle all-inclusive kit and the Flywoo Firefly. These are both micro drones because I’ve found that you don’t tend to compromise as much on quality for smaller cheap FPV drones compared to the larger models. 

If you’re looking at other cheap models, be sure to check the VTX power for the range, camera quality, body composition (what they’re made of) and check out reviews on their flight performance!