My Drone Professional

Drone Regulations

Drone inspections

Drone Inspections: The Top 5 Costly Mistakes to Avoid

Drone inspections are making jobs easier, safer, more affordable and often provide a better result than inspections conducted by airplane or people working at heights but this can come at a cost if these common mistakes are made. Drone Inspection Mistake 1: Undertaking a drone inspection without certification Do you need a license to do […]

Drone Inspections: The Top 5 Costly Mistakes to Avoid Read More »

Indoor Drones

Indoor Drones for Beginners: What you need to know before buying 

There is a common misconception that indoor drones are just a less robust version of outdoor drones but in reality, indoor drones are specifically designed to face a different set of challenges. Plus, ask any indoor drone racer and they will be bursting to tell you about the responsiveness, agility and adrenaline of flying indoor

Indoor Drones for Beginners: What you need to know before buying  Read More »